Unless you work in the medical field or have a friend or family member that is struggling with multiple medications daily, you may not even know what polypharmacy profile testing is, or how useful of a tool it can be to patients taking four or more medications daily. While medications are great and they can help minimize symptoms or even solve problematic diagnosis, our world today has made it easier than ever to prescribe multiple medications at once in an attempt to resolve individual problems. Unfortunately, as these medications are ingested, they have the potential hazard of counteracting with one another and giving an undesirable outcome. This is why Pharmacogenetic Testing found it important to provide polypharmacy profile testing services in Amarillo, TX.
Importance of Polypharmacy Testing
Polypharmacy and medication misuse seem to go hand in hand. Both of these problems combined have led to them being the fourth leading cause of death in this country. Therefore Pharmacogenetic Testing uses this tool to identify and determine the drug interactions with each medication in hopes of reducing the amount of adverse drug events for each and every patient. Currently, the health care teams are limited into verifying the medications a patient is on, especially if they tend to be a poor historian. Patients have the option to leave it up to the health records, write it down themselves, or bring all the medications to the clinic. If you work in any sort of health care setting, you should be completely aware of the flaws in those options. Polypharmacy profile testing solves those issues!
How We Test | Bennett Polypharmacy Profile (BPP)
Cecil Bennett M.D. created what is called the Bennett Polypharmacy Profile (BPP). We use the BPP for all of our polypharmacy profile testing here in Amarillo, TX. The BPP is a urinalysis screening that has the ability to detect prescribed drugs, OTC medications, and even herbal supplements. It is a valuable tool and quite easy to collect for those looking for polypharmacy profile testing.
Who Should Get Tested
Our most frequent clients include elder patients, chronic pain patients and patients with common medical issues that have to take multiple medications daily. Through the BPP, we can test in the following ways:
- Identify medications that may have been prescribed by a different physician.
- Reduce fatalities and illnesses by understanding the drug interactions.
- Allow for discussion and education with patients if the test results are different than what was originally prescribed.
For more information on our polypharmacy profile testing services in Amarillo, Tx, call Pharmacogenetic Testing at (833) 749-5227.